Prvi zimski energetski test za Evropu stiže ovog vikenda
Zahlađenje će se proširiti širom Evrope od vikenda.
Rezultata: 647
Zahlađenje će se proširiti širom Evrope od vikenda.
Zapad mjesecima poziva na finalizaciju ovog projekta.
U procesu poslovanja znatno pomaže proces digitalne transformacije kroz koju Janaf prolazi.
Na Konferenciji Energetske zajednice u Ljubljani.
Also, we wanted to show that there is a group of very open-minded and clever people who can make such software in an environment which is not even close to the western countries. We gave our software name a Perun - a old slovenian God.
We invest in research, new technologies, sustainable packaging development, renewable energy sources, and supply chain restructuring to prevent deforestation and natural resource exploitation
Perutnina Ptuj - Pipo Čakovec has the opportunity to make significant progress in 2024 and further strengthen its presence in the market. This is also a result of improving business operations across all sectors over the past few years
Dominacija Rusije u srpskom gasnom i naftnom sektoru nije kriva za spori razvoj zelene tranzicije. Glavni krivac je ugalj.
Brent se strmoglavio gotovo pet posto u četvrtak.
We have positioned ourselves as a relevant European high-tech manufacturer of equipment and solutions that supports the green energy transition across the European Union, and this, in the long-run, contributes to the national competitiveness of the economy and boosts the international perception of Croatia
Predviđanje neto dobiti za sljedeću godinu biće vođeno otuđenjem, što će donijeti čak 3 milijarde evra.
Ovo će biti prvi kubici gasa koji nisu ruski.
Registrirajte se i čitajte 5 članaka besplatno!